CIPR: The AI and Big Data Readiness Report

CIPR: The AI and Big Data Readiness Report

AI and Big Data are increasingly integrated into our modern working lives. But how aware are PR practitioners of this development, how much knowledge do they already have and how are they facing the change? These are the questions answered by CIPR’s AI and Big Data Readiness Report. This clearly shows that PR is not as well prepared as it should be for the age of AI and Big Data, in order to take advantage of the resulting opportunities and protect itself from potential threats. Only 13.9 percent of respondents feel very comfortable using AI, and 43.2 percent say they barely have the necessary knowledge. Instead, this has so far mainly been the domain of IT and digital specialists. Another finding is that if AI and Big Data are used and understood at all, it is primarily at the tactical level. At the strategic level, hardly any competencies are currently available.

To change this, the report formulates recommendations on how the profession can move forward in terms of policy and practice. For example, it is imperative that AI, Big Data, and the fundamental structural change that accompanies them become part of a strategic discussion among practitioners. For more tips, recommendations and exciting insights, it’s worth taking a closer look.